
Poster and Oral presentation guidelines

Poster Presentation guidelines

ISSW poster presentations offer a valuable opportunity to share your work and ideas with the international avalanche community. Poster presentations are unique because they provide a place for personal connection, discussion, and dialogue with beer and a snack in your hands.

Poster preparation
Posters can be affixed to the poster board using provided pins.
Please consider the following formatting:

  • Maximum size A0 (1189mm x 841 mm or 46.8 inches x 33.1 inches)
  • Portrait format
  • Fonts: Title = 90-120 pt, Headings = 70-80 pt, Main text = 36-40 pt
  • Carefully consider the amount and readability of your text
  • Provide captions and clear descriptions for all figures, tables, and images.
  • Your poster should be comprehendible without further explanation.
  • Clearly label all your sections

Oral presentation guidelines

Oral presentations are the centerpiece of the ISSW and offer an excellent opportunity to share your work and ideas with the international avalanche community.

There are oral sessions scheduled each conference day for a total of 18 sessions. Each session will have a general theme, but under certain circumstances presentations may not fit perfectly into the topic for a particular session. The oral sessions will have 6 to 10 min long presentation slots. Each session ends with a 10-15 min Q&A. A session chair will host each session and introduce the theme, presenters, keep the session within the allotted time and lead the Q&As. 


Please try and make your presentation as accessible to as many members of your audience as possible. A wide range of professional and academic experience exists within the ISSW community. The impact of your presentation will depend on your ability to use common language and to illustrate the relevance of your topic to the audience. 

Each presentation should strive to foster dialogue between researchers and practitioners. We encourage researchers to discuss the practical application of their topic and we encourage practitioners to discuss how research can help solve operational challenges. 

Please consider:

  • Focus on the main take-home points of your work in the presentation and use your proceedings paper to dive into details.
  • Keep the introductory slides about past work and theory short and focus on your results.
  • A maximum of 1 min per slide is often sufficient.
  • Use text and equations sparingly and rather show photos and figures.
  • Make sure to explain all details in a figure.

We will offer both PC (Windows) and Mac (OS X) laptops for running the oral sessions. We will not support the setting up of your own personal computers, except for the keynote speakers. We will support the following formats:

  • Microsoft Power Point (PC and Mac)
  • Keynote (Mac)
  • Adobe PDF (PC and Mac)

Standard format will be 16:0 and presenters are asked to prepare their slides in English. Computers will be available to preview and upload presentations during the speaker’s breakfast.