Hiking with RACS in Grøtfjord

 ( Photo: Wyssen Avalanche Control)
On this excursion, we’ll head to Grøtfjord on the island of Kvaløya just 45 minutes from the Tromsø city center. Here, natural avalanches crossing the county road can isolate the village of Tromvik. To manage avalanche risk on this roadway, the county installed 10 remote avalanche control systems (RACS) on the mountainside above the roadway. Complete with a radar detection system to ensure efficient operation, these RACS released 93 avalanches during the first operational season (2022-2023).
After a short bus ride from Tromsø, we will look at the site together and discuss the advantages and challenges of this RACS technology. Then, we will choose between 1) an indoor presentation on the planning, procuration, and construction of the RACS in Grøtfjord, or 2) a one-hour hike up to the lower RACS installations (you need to be fit and wear proper shoes).
Date: Wednesday 25 September
Cost: 850 NOK (incl. lunch)
Duration: full day (8-16)
Max. participants: 40
Short titles in the sign-up form appear as:
- Grøtfjorden without hike
- Grøtfjorden with hike