Life and work among avalanches on Senja

 ( Photo: Sigrid Semmingsen )
Senja Island lies southwest of Tromsø surrounded by the productive fishery of the Norwegian Sea. Snow avalanches and slush flows endanger the fishing villages and roads nestled between the island’s jagged peaks and deep fjords. Senja municipality’s fishing industry relies on efficiently transporting the catch along the avalanche-prone roads during the peak fishing season from January through April.
Join this field trip to experience dramatic landscapes while gaining insight into the mitigation measures and modern systems for remote sensing and avalanche control which facilitate safe transportation along the region’s roads. In the afternoon, you can choose between 1) visiting the Senjahopen fish reception facility to learn about how they deal with avalanche danger or 2) hike to the iconic mountain Segla at 600 m.a.s.l. (you need to be fit, wear proper shoes, and bring warm clothing).
Date: Wednesday 25 September
Cost: 850 NOK (incl. lunch)
Duration: full day (7-17)
Max. participants: 40
Short titles in the sign-up form appear as follows:
- Senja without hike
- Senja with hike